Jenna Lofton here and thank you for stopping by for my War Room Review, by Bryan Bottarelli, Founder and Head Trade Tactician of Monument Traders Alliance
I've been following Bryan Bottarelli for quite some time now, but I've never had the time to check out his program, until now.
For what it's worth, I never review a product unless I go through the materials first and make sure they're going to deliver what they claim. That was certainly the case with The War Room by Monument Traders Alliance, so let's get started!
What IS The Monument Traders Alliance War Room All About?
Well, I Joined so I can show you!
Now, let's get to the reason you're here, who is Brian Bottarelli, what IS the War Room all about? What's included with your membership? I'm glad you asked, let's get started 🙂
Whether it was selling the Star Wars figures he collected as a little boy for 50 times their value or using $125 of grass-cutting money to buy a Michael Jordan rookie card that he later sold for $1,500, it was clear Bryan Bottarelli was a born trader – possessing the unique ability to identify opportunities and leverage those investments.
Graduating with a business degree from the highly rated Indiana University Kelley School of Business, Bryan got his first job out of college trading stock options on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE).
Recognizing the true value of these methods, Bryan tapped into his entrepreneurial spirit to take a risk.
He walked off the CBOE floor and launched his own independent trading research service called Bottarelli Research. From February 2006 to December 2018, Bryan gave his precise trading instructions to a small, elite group– most who joined him on day one and have been followers ever since.
As a so-called “play tactician,” Bryan uses his hands-on knowledge of floor trading to shape opportunities and chart formations into elegant, powerful and profitable recommendations. And by using the same hedging techniques taught by professional floor traders, Bryan is able to deliver his readers remarkable gain opportunities while strictly limiting their total risk.
Along the way, Bryan has developed a cumulative track record that could impress even the most successful hedge fund manager.
He now spends his days moderating one of the most elite trading research forums ever created, The War Room.
The war room is not 'just' a stock trading newsletter, but a live active community with Brian and his team, AND others traders such as yourself!
Every single day, as long as the markets are open for trading, The War Room has one singular goal: to make winning trades. In order to accomplish this goal, they've created a culture that encourages and embraces community, collaboration and idea generation – all of which are intended to help War Room members generate wealth.
Remember, as a trading community, we should celebrate and embrace fantastic winning moments.
We’re all on the same team. We all have the same logo on our jerseys. And we’re all here for the same common goal: to make winning trades.
Above all, please keep this in mind each day, with each post and within each conversation thread you engage in. If we all do this together, The War Room will be an infinitely better place!
In other words, there are certain virtues that set the world’s most successful speculators and traders apart from everyone else.
- First and foremost, you have to embrace risk – and be able to take losses.
- Secondly, you have to learn from mistakes and not second-guess every single move you make.
- Third, you have to share your victories. In fact, the more you share, the more hope and momentum you give to The War Room!
The point is trading can sometimes be the ultimate test of your emotions. But the best traders in the world don’t make trading decisions based on emotion. Rather, they make decisions based on tactical, calculated and precise strategies that have worked for decades of real-time trading.
Maintaining this level-headed, balanced approach – and leaving your emotions at the door – will allow you to become an infinitely better trader. This is what they'll be striving to teach and apply each day in The War Room. That being said, let's look a bit deeper at what else you get!
What's Included When You Join? (The Basics First)
Honestly, a lot. Again, this is not 'ONLY' a stock trading newsletter, but a thriving and active investment community you'll want to be a part of daily. There's a LOT to cover here, so I'll do my best to be thorough without writing a 5,000 word post 🙂
The War Room Video Tutorial
VISIT HERE FIRST, Watch the Intro Video (just 06:40 long) and study everything on this page. The video explains how to use and get the most out of the war room.
The accompanying text goes into a few things:
1) Protecting the mission - basically, don't be an a*s hole - be respectful to other members in the war room chats, don't post messages that are harmful or offensive and detract from the core values of the trading community, and learn to embrace risk!
2) The Traders Mindset - This is exactly what it sounds like. It goes into the mindset you'll want to have/learn in the war room.
There are certain virtues that set the world’s most successful speculators and traders apart from everyone else.
- First and foremost, you have to embrace risk – and be able to take losses.
- Secondly, you have to learn from mistakes and not second-guess every single move you make.
- Third, you have to share your victories. In fact, the more you share, the more hope and momentum you give to The War Room!
The point is trading can sometimes be the ultimate test of your emotions. But the best traders in the world don’t make trading decisions based on emotion. Rather, they make decisions based on tactical, calculated and precise strategies that have worked for decades of real-time trading.
Maintaining this level-headed, balanced approach – and leaving your emotions at the door – will allow you to become an infinitely better trader. This is what they'll be striving to teach and apply each day in The War Room.
3) Trading Timelines:
- Fast Trades: From 15 minutes to a week.
- Medium-Term Trades: 3-6 weeks.
- Long-Term Trades: 3-6 months.
Self explanatory - this how long on average you'll be invested in each type of trade that's recommended in the war room!
Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Your Paper Trading Account
Before you start trading your real money – it’s critically important that you get familiar with trading.
That’s why they recommend that you set up a paper trading account.
This offers you a number of advantages…
- First, you’ll get familiar with how to enter and exit trades.
- Second, you’ll get comfortable with how to place your orders – and what the option recommendation language looks like.
- And third, you’ll get all of your mistakes out of the way NOW – before you’re using real money.
For instance…
- Did you buy a put – instead of a call? Oops.
- Did you sell – instead of buy? Oops.
- Did you trade the March 1 expiration – instead of April 1 expiration? Oops.
These are all rookie mistakes that we’d rather you make now – in the preparation stage – that costs you none of your own money.
Taking the time to do this exercise right now – at the start of your War Room journey – will eliminate more mistakes – and make you more money – than anything else you can possibly do.
This guide will walk you through the entire process – step by step - read it, do it and practice it BEFORE making real trades - you'll thank yourself later 🙂
The War Room Video Training Series
Believe it or not, trading options is NOT that difficult! You're NOT going to find hours and hours of training here, it's NOT going to take you weeks to learn either! You can go through these in an hour or two and learn the basics before heading over to the war room for more detailed strategies and the live chat!
These 20 lessons have no fluff, just what you need to know and get started!
The Premium Reports
You also get access to the premium reports, which you should definitely take the time to go through.
With all of the basics being covered, let's get to the war room itself!
The War Room
Again, make sure you watch the War Room Video Tutorial in to get a feeling for how to navigate it, but I'll do my best to explain it here as well!
Anyway, you're going to see a lot of tabs on the left side once you access the war room, and it's NOT confusing once you understand what each one is for:
- Tacticians - this is where any post that ISN'T made by tacticians is filtered out, leaving just posts made by them. Replies are turned off in this tab, so only vital information is shared there.
- Trades - The trades tab lists all trade recommendations recently made by their tacticians. You'll be able to view buy and sell alerts, along with all the information needed to buy or sell that particular trade.
- Members Chat - This is where everybody in the war room communicates with eachother. You can discuss things with other traders and what's going on in the markets.
- Notifications - Here you'll see all of your posts along with any replies to them.
- Announcements - Here you'll find all the important announcements the war room wants on your radar, such as website updates, or updated hours for the war room.
- Search - Self explanatory I think, but you're able to search for stock tickers, text or even posts by specific users.
- Moderators - Here you can chat privately with a moderator, they'll help you with any questions, comments, or concerns you have.
- Headquarters - This is where you'll get back to the premium content (such as the training videos, getting started guides, etc) outside the war room.
My War Room Review
FINALLY, the reason you're (probably) here!
The War Room is a subscription service that provides traders with daily market analysis and trade recommendations.
I have been a member of The War Room for about two months now, and I have found it to be an invaluable resource for my trading.
The market analysis is top-notch, and the trade recommendations have been quite profitable. Overall, I would highly recommend The War Room to any serious trader who is looking for an edge in the markets.
While the service is not cheap, it is SO MUCH MORE than just an options newsletter. It includes access to tons of training material for both new and experienced traders, and of course my favorite - the War Room chat room, where members can interact with other subscribers and receive real-time trade alerts.
If you have any questions PLEASE do let me know - I'm more than happy to help you in any way I can!
- Jenna Lofton