One Ticker Trader Review (Real Member) Feb 2023 Update

April 18, 2023

Hey All, Jenna Lofton here with my One Ticker Trader Review by Larry Benedict.

For those that DON'T know me, it's important to know one important thing; I NEVER review a product unless I get it first, go through the training, and make sure it more or less delivers on what it promises.

That was certainly the case with One Ticker Trader by Larry Benedict, so let's get to the reason you're here:

What IS One Ticker Trader All About? 

I got it, so I can show you & share my experience with this company! 🙂

One Ticker Trader, Larry Benedict

But first, who exactly is Trader Larry Benedict?

Larry Benedict Trader
  • First things first, is Larry Benedict from One Ticker Trader Legit? In a word, yes - here's a few reasons why: 
  • Larry Benedict is featured in the Jack Schwager book Hedge Fund Market Wizards (Chapter 3, right after Ray Dalio)
  • Well before the One Ticker Trader Days, From 1990 to 2010 while running his hedge fundhe never had a single losing year, making him a top hedge fund manager for over three decades!  How many other trading industry professionals have that kind of record? Honestly, none that I know of.  
  • In 2008, during one of the biggest - if not the biggest - financial crisis in our lifetime, he and his partners had their best year ever: they made $95M ($95,000,000)... in profit
  • A legal audit of his financials - by a San Francisco firm - confirmed that Larry and his firm generated $274,572,167 in profit from 2004-2012. Remember, that's NET income
  • Barron's has ranked Larry's hedge fund, Banyan Capital, in the top 100 in the world for many years (#36 in 2008, #74 in 2010, #84 in 2011)... with about 10,000 hedge funds in the world, this puts his hedge fund (Banyan Capital) in the top 1%
  • His investors and hedge fund client list reads like a Who's Who in the world of highly successful people... including royalty!

Larry Benedict is THE real deal, is one of the BEST traders alive, and he has been for many decades.

larry benedict hedge fund list

Now that you know a little about Larry Benedict and why he's one of the top traders alive, let's get started with One Ticker Trader!

What's Included with your OTT Membership from Larry Benedict?

1) The Special Research Reports

 The One Ticker Retirement Plan Special Reports
  • The One Ticker Retirement Plan - In The One Ticker Trader Retirement plan report, Larry outlines everything you need to know about the One Ticker strategy, which you know relies on just trading ONE ticker symbol in the stock market, QQQ.  In The One Ticker Retirement Plan, Larry gets into his options investing strategy and believe it or not, It all boils down to three simple rules… and they may fly in the face of everything you’ve been taught to believe about investing.
  • Larry’s Guide to Trading Options - In Larry's guide to trading options, you’ll learn everything you need to know to begin trading Larry’s recommendations in One Ticker Trader.  As you'll learn in this report, every morning before the stock market opens, Larry reviews a specific set of inputs, and draws conclusions from those inputs about what he thinks will happen in the trading day. He then turns that information into trading opportunities. See Options (Finance) On Wikipedia for more info).

2) The One Ticker Trader Portfolio

The model portfolio keeps track of all open stock market recommendations, and current portfolio positions. In this case it's just one option ticker symbol, QQQ.  

With it, you're able to review past research from the one ticker trader newsletter and build a portfolio around options currently trading under their recommended buy up to prices.

3) The Weekly Issues (The Newsletter portion)

One Ticker Trader Issues & Updates

They publish the One Ticker Trader newsletter around once a week, with varying days of the week. You can read your latest One Ticker Trader newsletter issue, as well as all previous issues, by clicking on the “Issues & Updates” tab at the top of the page.  

This will give you Larry's latest trade recommendations, buy or sell recommendations, and more. On each occasion, he will not only walk members step-by-step through the process but also offer comprehensive monthly recaps, delving into the nuances of macro trends and providing precise guidance on the optimal timing for buying or selling options.

Larry Benedict and Banyan Capital also offer push notifications for new issues, alerts, exclusive trading resources and updates - AND my favorite part, they have apps for both iOS and Android, so if you're in bed on your phone in the morning when the one ticker trader alerts come, you're still in a great place! 

4) ThinkorSwim Trading Platform Training Videos

OTT Training Videos

There are 2 extremely thorough 'how to' videos on how to use the Thinkorswim Mobile App, and Desktop Platform, both of which you're able to use for trading options!

The Desktop platform is very user-friendly and customizable, while the Mobile App is great for on-the-go trading. You can use either one to place trades, track your positions, and manage your account.

If you're not familiar with the Thinkorswim platform, it's worth taking some time to watch the videos and explore the features. It's a powerful tool that can help you make better trading decisions.

You can trade virtually any asset class on both platforms, and they offer a variety of unique features, such as:

  • Customizable Layouts
  • Advanced Charting
  • Real-Time Data and News
  • Paper Trading
  • And much more!

Don't worry if you ONLY have a mobile phone to trade. With the mobile app, you'll have access to all of thinkorswim's powerful features on the go. This includes streaming quotes & charts, placing trades, managing positions, accessing research & technical analysis, and more.

Once you've completed these sections, you'll have a much better understanding of how to use the software for your own trading.

One Ticker Trader Pricing

For now, you can get started with One Ticker Trader for $19, discounted from $199.  Don't ask me why, but I'd take advantage of this discount before they realize how underpriced their service is.  😱

Nothing to Risk, 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

OTT Refund Policy

Does OTT come with a money-back guarantee? YES, absolutely!  The One Ticker Trader Refund PolicyLarry is so certain that you'll love his system that he's giving you 60 Day Money Back Guarantee, so it's a 100% risk free offer for you!

If you're not happy at any time, just give Larry and the one ticker trader team a call to get a no questions asked refund.

So truly, you're risking nothing, and with a price of only $19 you'd be foolish to NOT sign up now (in my humble opinion)! 🙂 

My One Ticker Trader Review & Final Verdict

One Ticker Trader is a new Options Trading signal service that I've been using for the past few months. In that time, it has quickly become one of my favorite (and most profitable) services and ways to actually make money online.

It's not often that I think something is as much of a no-brainer as One Ticker Trader. A good options strategy can be hard to find, Options Trading can be difficult, but with the right mentor (and signals) it can be very profitable.

Investment Management is CRUCIAL so ensure you don't blow your money or overinvest and lose it all on an unthought-out trade, so make sure you follow the instructions and don't over-trade.

The reason I like One Ticker Trader so much is because it's very simple to use. You don't need to be an expert trader to make money with this service. And, even better, the signals are very accurate. The goal is to increase your investment slowly while also minimizing your risk on the investment, so keep that goal in mind! 

The other thing I like about One Ticker Trader is that it's NOT going to cost you a lot of money to get started, and you're getting hedge fund level strategies, Larry's Market Forecasts and more.

For a limited time, the price of one ticker trader is discounted from $199 to $19 (one time payment), you get access to all of the signals, the newsletter, the training & more. There are no monthly fees, you pay once for the year and you're good!

If you're looking for a simple, profitable Trading Options signal service, I have to to recommend One Ticker Trader.  

So that sums up my One Ticker Trader Review! My experience with Larry Benedict & his team has been nothing but positive.  

Final Verdict: One Ticker Trader is Highly Recommended, the cost is just $19.00, you get access to world class options strategy training, Larry Benedict's expert financial markets forecasting, and much more.

About the author 

Jenna Lofton, an expert in stock trading, investing, and financial planning, combines over a decade of experience with rigorous academic training. Holding dual MBAs in Finance and Business Administration from the University of Maryland, Jenna's expertise is grounded in a deep understanding of the financial markets. Her career, which started on Wall Street, has evolved into empowering others through her insights and analyses in the dynamic world of finance.

Based in New York City, Jenna's approach is informed by her hands-on experience as a former financial advisor and her keen observation of market trends. She is known for translating complex financial concepts into actionable strategies, making her a valuable resource for both seasoned investors and newcomers to the stock market. Her commitment to financial literacy and her ability to demystify investment principles have made her a respected and authoritative voice in the investment community.

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